Chinas first 5G mobile phone is expected to be released during the second half of 2019, said Wen Ku, director of the telecom development department at Chinas Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库回应,国内首部5G手机预计2019年下半年发售。He made the remarks at the 1st Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, Fujian province. 他是在福建省福州市举办的首届数字中国建设峰会上公开发表的上述言论。Wen noted that China is home to 1.03 billion 4G net users, and a universal standard of 5G technology will be established in the future. 闻库称之为,中国的4G用户已约10.3亿,未来将构成5G技术的统一标准。He said China is one of the leading countries of 5G development, and it has established cooperation structures with Europe, the US, Japan and South Korea on both government and industry levels. 他回应,中国是全球范围内5G发展正处于领先水平的国家之一,与欧美日韩都创建了政府层面和产业层面的合作机制。
The first 5G mobile phone is expected to be released when the technology initially commercializes in the second half of 2019, the director disclosed.预计在明年下半年,5G技术可行性投放商用,首款5G手机将面世。China Mobile, one of Chinas major telecommunication corporations, exhibited its latest technologies at the summit, including 5G, e-gov, big data and internet of things.中国仅次于的电信公司之一的中国移动,在该峰会上展出了还包括5G、e-gov、大数据和物联网在内的近期的技术。Shang Bing, chairman of China Mobile, said at the summit that the company is speeding up the construction of the new information infrastructure and the commercialization of 5G technology. He added that China Mobile will provide world-class support for China in the digital era.中国移动董事长尚冰在峰会上回应,该公司正在减缓新一代信息基础设施的建设和5G技术的商业化。他补足称之为,中国移动将在数字时代为中国获取世界级的承托。
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