Engineers and scientists are constructing a huge mini-star, which will produce the same reactions that happen in the sun to provide energy for the future.工程师和科学家们正在建设一个极大的迷你星,这将产生与太阳某种程度的反应,为未来获取能量。The project, known as Iter, is based in Cadarache, near Aix-en-Provence in southern France. It will weigh three times as much as the Eiffel Tower and be as big as 60 football pitches.该项目,称作国际热核聚变实验填,辟在卡达拉奇,就在法国南部的艾克斯省附近。它将是埃菲尔铁塔的三倍轻,与60个足球场一样大。
Inside the new building will be a nuclear reactor that scientists hope can provide power through nuclear fusion. In doing so it could generate clean, safe energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.这个新的建筑物内部是一个核反应堆,科学家们期望能通过核聚变获取电力。这样做到可以产生洗手、安全性的能源,增加对化石燃料的倚赖。Earlier this year, the team behind the project appointed a new leader, Bernard Bigot.今年早些时候,该项目背后的团队任命了一位新的领导人,伯纳德·比戈。
We are now entering into manufacturing and preparations for assembly, he said as he joined in March. Bigot said that he had joined as part of a new management team that was set up to deliver both a research and an industrial facility.我们于是以想开始展开生产生产,还有为大会展开筹备工作,他于3月份重新加入时说。比戈说道他重新加入了一个新的管理团队,沦为了其中的一份子。
这个管理团队是成立一起作为既是研发机构,又是产业设施。Inside that facility there will be a smaller and controlled version of the same reactions that happen in our sun, nuclear fusion. That happens when two atomic nuclei collide with each other, releasing energy in the form of photons. The scientists hope to harness that energy and re-use it, to replace the dirty and limited forms of energy that we use today.设施内部不会有一个较小的,与太阳核聚变完全相同反应的掌控版本。当两个原子核互相撞击时,就不会以光子的形式释放出来能量。科学家们期望需要匹敌寄居这股能量,然后重复使用它,借以代替我们当前用于的可怕的,受限形式的能量。
The project was launched in an early stage in 1987. It is now being pushed forward by a group of seven entities — including the EU, as well as the US, Russia and China.该项目于1987年开始转入其初期阶段。现在由一个7个实体集团联合推展——其中还包括欧盟,美国,俄罗斯和中国。
Since then, the project has repeatedly run into problems, with the schedule being pushed back. But scientists hope that early operations can begin in the 2020s, with harnessed energy coming sometime after that.自那时以来,该项目就大大遇上问题,计划也被延期。但是科学家期望可以从2020年代开始展开早期操作者,从那之后就可以开始匹敌这股能量了。Iter is the Latin for the way — intended to highlight the possibilities of the energy as a way of creating safe and peaceful power for the world. But it was once known as International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, a name that was dropped because of its potential worrying connotations.国际热核聚变实验填的简写Iter在拉丁语里面回应方式——目的引人注目将这股能源作为为世界建构安全性与和平力量的方式。但它曾多次一度都以全称形式经常出现,之所以退出用于全称是因为它潜在的令人担忧的内涵。
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