双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第122期:三峡工程
The Three Gorges Project长江三峡工程The Three Gorges Project (TGP) is located in Sandouping of the Xiling Gorge, consisting of a large dam across a river, hydroelectric power station and navigation structures. It is an exceptionally large water conservancy scheme possessing enormous, comprehensive utilization benefits for flood control, power generation, navigation, breeding of aquatic products and water supply.三峡工程坐落于长江三峡之一的西陵峡的中段,坝址在宜昌市的三斗坪。三峡工程建筑由大坝、水电站厂房和通航建筑物三大部分构成。
作为世界上仅次于的水利枢纽工程,三峡工程在防洪、发电、航运、养殖等方面皆有极大效益。Initial Timetable :三峡工程分三期1993-1997 : The Yangtze River was diverted after four years in November 1997 1998-2003: The first group of generators began to generate power in 2003, and a permanent ship lock opened for navigation the same year.从1992年动工,到2009年完工,总工期17年。
一期工程5年(1992-1997),主要工程除打算工作外,主要展开一期围堰填土,导流明渠开凿。二期工程6年(1998—2003),工程主要任务是修建二期围堰,左岸大坝的电站设施建设及机组加装,同时之后展开并已完成永久特级船闸,升船机的施工。2004-2009 : The entire project is to be completed by 2009,when all 26 generators ( with a combined generating capacity of 18. 2 million kw)will be able to gen- erate 84.7 billion kwh of electricity annually.三期工程6年( 2003-2009),本期展开的右岸大坝和电站的施工,并之后已完成全部机组加装。
预计,水电站总装机容量为1820万千瓦,年发电量847亿千瓦时。May 20, 2006 was a historical day for the famous Three Gorges Hydro-electric Project on Yangtze River: the Three Gorges Dam was officially opened except the ship lift, nearly 10 months earlier than scheduled. As the largest reinforced concrete dam in the world, the main dam has concrete poured t0 185 meters above sea level, and is 2309 meters long. The construction of the Three Gorges Project was begun in 1994 and the Yangtze River was completely blocked on Nov. 8, 1997 at the Three Gorges when the opening in the diversion canal of the Dam Project was closed.Hence the natural flow of the mighty river at the Three Gorges is cut. The construction of the Three Gorges Project entered the next stage: the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.The Three Gorges Project is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world, with a combined generating capacity of 18.2 million kw and an annual electricity generation of 84.7 billion kwh.2006年5月20日,举世瞩目的长江三峡水利枢纽工程步入了历史性一刻:三峡大坝竣工!三峡大坝全线吊装超过海拔185米高程,比原计划提早近10个月。
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